What we offer
Eutopia.Guide includes COMPLEX PORTRAITS OF various GEOGRAPHICAL COMMUNITIES, with chapters specific to their level - country, administrative unit, locality.
In order to facilitate access to information of current interest, chapters presenting the protagonists and offers from the fields of: production, tourism, health, education, religion and public administration are brought to the fore.
- PRODUCTION - legal entities operating in the sphere of production and services
- TOURISM - the community's tourist attractions, but also accommodation units and restaurants
- HEALTH - legal entities and their offers in the fields of: allopathic medicine (specialized health units), complementary medicine and social assistance
- EDUCATION - educational units by categories and profiles
- RELIGION - units of worship
- PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION - public institutions, agencies, subordinate and coordinated units.
Facilities offered to legal entities present in Eutopia.Guide:
- own web page within the portal, to present the activity and, if applicable, the catalog of products/services and the offer (through its own online store);
- the listing of products/services in the Catalog and possibly the centralizing Store on the domain - with access to a large number of visitors;
- the possibility to exhibit and possibly sell locally, regionally and/or internationally, to display different offers according to location, delivery period, delivery method, etc.;
- simple data entry, the operation being reduced to the selection from specific databases and the loading of the values of the own numerical characteristics;
- displaying information in several languages of international traffic.